Bankruptcy Solutions: Breathe Easier with Us


Legal Support and debt relief for everyone.

Areas of Practice


Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Assisting individuals and businesses in the process of liquidating non-exempt assets to discharge unsecured debts, providing a fresh financial start.

Foreclosure Defense

Representing clients facing the threat of foreclosure by working to negotiate loan modifications or other alternatives to retain their homes.

Bankruptcy Litigation

Representing clients in bankruptcy-related legal disputes, including adversary proceedings, disputes with creditors, and litigation over the dischargeability of specific debts.

Debt Consolidation

Offering guidance on strategies to consolidate and manage debt, such as debt settlement, debt management plans, and debt consolidation loans.

Credit Repair and Rebuilding

Assisting clients in the post-bankruptcy phase by providing guidance on rebuilding credit and improving their financial health.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Providing a path for individuals with a regular income to develop a repayment plan for their debts, often resulting in reduced or extended payment terms.

Creditor Negotiations

Negotiating on behalf of clients with creditors to reach settlements, modify loan terms, or establish more manageable payment plans.